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8 December

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 7 months ago

Thursday 8th December

Time to Leave


We all have 3.00 am alarm calls and throw our last bits and pieces into our suitcases and get them downstairs and throw some coffee into ourselves before the 2 vans arrive at 3.45. When we disgorge our luggage at the airport, the pile looks enormous. We check Paddy, Charlie and Holly onto their flight to Heathrow and they are just within their baggage allowance, but Jo, Rooben and I are 50 kilos overweight for our flight to Bangkok because of the badges and parachutes - but the kind check-in lady lets it all through when we explain it is for use with tsunami-affected children in Thailand - thank goodness for that!


Fond farewells, and we head to our different departure gates (having rescued Charlie who had been temporarily "arrested" because of the clown "prop" handcuffs they had found in his luggage!) Jo, Rooben and I have an uneventful three and a half hour flight (most of which we sleep through as we had got up so early) until poor Rooben is sick dramatically, all over himself, and over me, just before we land. As we are actually landing, we have to just sit tight, but once all the passengers are off, the hostesses are very helpful in getting us both cleaned up. We need a van to get all our stuff to the hotel where we will be staying 2 nights. Haggis (my juggling husband) arrives tomorrow and we will all fly down to Phuket the next day.


Good long talk with my secretary in England, and now I must go to bed as I have been online too long, and I am truly exhausted after our early start. Thank you all for reading this diary, which will recommence soon with details of the forthcoming Thai Tour! And thank you again so very much to all our funders who made the Sri Lankan Tour happen - look at the photos closely and know that your generosity helped create those happy smiles!


12 December

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