Wednesday 18 January
Rehearsals day
No shows today, as we have to incorporate Martha and Trent, who arrived yesterday (they were on their way from Austria, via Kuala Lumpur, to Australia anyway, so we have only had to pay their minimal Air Asia fares from Kuala Lumpur to Phuket and back again air fares) into the show. They are great musicians - Martha plays the accordion beautifully and Trent is brilliant on his miniature electric guitar) and we are going to do most of the show to live music now (just Frank Sinatra's "I Get a Kick Out Of You" cd track for Haggis's hat routine, the "Pied Piper" on cd for Haggis's 1-5 club routine, and, just for tomorrow, "Life could be a dream" on cd for Jo/Daisy's piece, as there hasn't been time for her to rehearse with Martha and Trent live - this will probably be done live from the weekend onwards.
Sorting things out
I spend a lot of time in the internet office (yet again!) - emailing La and Linda about whether we should go on to Krabi next Wednesday or stay here in Khao Lak till the 28th, sorting out Children's World stuff that has been forwarded from England, and send off the diary to our webmaster again - then I go and watch the new music rehearsals that the team are running at the bottom of our bungalow gardens in a shady area.
The rehearsals are great - the "top of the show" suitcase routine is lovely to live music - indeed Trent and Martha's live music generally helps the whole show along very nicely - but there are never enough hours of daylight - the midges come out and then the mosquitoes, and then the light fades and we have to stop. Never mind - I think we are sorted enough for tomorrow and Friday, and we can fit more rehearsals in on Saturday before the "Open Show" we are running that evening for the community in the new housing nearby, for children and families whose original homes were completely destroyed by the tsunami.
Back to the internet office again to sort various stuff out, and then we all eat together over the road at a new restaurant. We are now 8 (me and Haggis, Jo, Jake and 5-year-old Rooben, and Trent, Martha and 3-year-old Lelio) and the meal seems to take forever to get ordered and served, the children get very restive and we are all very tired. We run through the order of the show again, and what is being played live, and what on cd, and then call it a night, as we are all knackered.
On national TV
Apparently this evening we were on national Thai TV (the same interview and footage that was on the local Channel 11 news this morning) - hopefully this will be of real use to CWI in gaining interest in our work. Many thanks to Andy Roo Johnson of the Phuket Gazette, whose wonderful double-page spread gained us this TV interest!
19 January
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